Plants & Seeds From Our Partners

Plants & Seeds From Our Partners

Curated Gardens

Roll-Out Gardens
Biodegradable garden kits with keystone native plants for easy, eco-friendly planting.
A portion of profits are donated to HNP.

My Home Park
Native Plant Garden Kits
Custom native plant gardens tailored to your property and easy to plant.
Use code HOMEGROWN10 for 10% off.

Garden for Wildlife
Wildlife-Friendly Plants
Native plants and collections designed to attract and support local wildlife.
Register as a supporter for a custom discount.


Native Flora Seeds
Seeds by State
High-quality native plant seeds for every state sourced from leading U.S. growers.
All proceeds benefit HNP.

Plant for a Change
Keystone Seed Bundles
Beautifully illustrated educational seed packs featuring five keystone native plants of Eastern North America.
Use code HOMEGROWN10 for 10% off.

Get Started Guides

Interested in Partnering?

We're always looking for businesses that share our passion for increasing access to native plants. If you want to support biodiversity with great deals for this movement, please use this partnership form to submit your proposal. Together, we make regenerating biodiversity easier and more accessible for everyone!

Native Plant Partnerships

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