Get Listed as an HNP Resource!
Thanks for your interest in being listed on the HNP Resource Directory! Please fill out the Resource Form (below) to the best of your knowledge. Submitting this application does not guarantee that your listing will be posted on the Directory. Before you complete the form, note the following:
1. Services Agreement: To qualify for listing on the Homegrown National Park (HNP) Resource Directory, an entity’s inventory or services/practices must include native plants. HNP reserves the right to decline or rescind a Directory listing if an entity is selling or planting harmful invasives. Furthermore, HNP strongly encourages all listings to conduct themselves in an ecologically conscious manner and promote the use of native plants to the greatest extent possible.
The HNP Resource Directory is a public guide to advance our mission of regenerating biodiversity and driving a culture shift in ecosystem stewardship. It only contains information submitted by the listed entities. Listing an entity on the Directory does not equate to an endorsement of their products or practices by HNP. Entities are responsible for the information associated with their listings and for supplying HNP with updated information as needed; or upon request. As such, the operation of the Directory relies on the honor system and community feedback to ensure all listed entities are operating in a manner consistent with both this attestation and HNP’s broader mission. Providing misleading or inaccurate answers on the following form, or in other correspondence with HNP, will lead to the removal of your Directory listing. For information on what species are invasive in your area, please use:
2. Donation: We aim to connect everyone with comprehensive resources that make it easy for them to Start a New Habitat, so getting listed on the HNP Directory is free! Thank you to all of our current resources and partners for their generous and reliable support. Without your contributions, our movement would not be where it is today.
As our grassroots community has grown, we’ve been listening to your feedback regarding the accessibility of our offerings (for both service providers and users). While we have eliminated the annual donation for listing a for-profit resource, the website, Biodiversity Map, and general operations of HNP are still costly endeavors. If you are in a position to financially support our work in growing this grassroots movement, please consider making a tax-deductible donation. We appreciate any amount that you can contribute.
3. Spread the Word: All directory listings agree to post our URL ( on their website and/or social media. Please link via a copy of our logo, available at the bottom of this page, if possible. If you do not have a website or social media page, please state that in the form's “Your URL” field.
By completing this form, you agree to the terms laid out above.
Resource Submission Form