Social Sharing Tools
Light up your network by sharing your Homegrown National Park® on your social media! We’ve created this copy-and-paste graphic and text to make sharing simple. Feel free to use our graphic and/or a picture of you with your native plantings and Homegrown National Park® sign. The sign template is available on the Your Tools page, to download and send to your local sign printer.

I am lighting up the @homegrownnationalpark MAP as part of the largest cooperative conservation project to regenerate biodiversity ever attempted!!
Homegrown National Park® addresses the urgent biodiversity crisis with a simple, science-based solution to a global challenge. We are a grassroots call-to-action to regenerate biodiversity by planting and preserving native plants that support critical ecosystem services and removing invasive plants that do not. We are catalyzing action that will have meaningful, tangible, measurable, and immediate results. We can do this NOW, without waiting for legislation.
I invite everyone to become an HNP Firefly and light up the MAP by getting themselves on and encouraging others to do the same!
Find Information and Resources on to help you get started.
Create an HNP MAP account at and add your new or existing native plantings!
#HomegrownNationalPark #ImOnTheMap #ImAFirefly #PlantNative #RegenerateBiodiversity