Co-Founder Doug Tallamy

Conservation Works - Doug Tallamy - Increase Biodiversity - International Day for Biodiversity - Homegrown National Park

International Day for Biodiversity: A Message from Doug Tallamy

It really works!  For years now, I have been claiming that restoration works, that nature is wonderfully resilient, and that, with a little help, she can rebuild biodiversity throughout human-dominated landscapes whenever she is given half a chance.  Tallamy Residence What has happened on the Tallamy property in southeast Pennsylvania over the past two decades […]

International Day for Biodiversity: A Message from Doug Tallamy Read More »

Michelle Alfandari: Game Changer

Celebrating Michelle Alfandari’s Remarkable Journey to Biodiversity Champion and the Evolution of Homegrown National Park By Doug Tallamy Est. Read Time: 5 minutes This December, four years after Michelle Alfandari began to build Homegrown National Park as a nonprofit, conceiving its flagship biodiversity map, recruiting its first board members, seeking and hiring our IT consultants,

Michelle Alfandari: Game Changer Read More »

A Conversation with Doug Tallamy and Sean B. Carroll

An Antidote To the Despair Epidemic Moderated by: Michelle Alfandari, co-founder Homegrown National Park® Read time: 19 minutes It was a thrill to get the call from Wild Hope HHMI Tangled Bank Studio to collaborate with HNP.   It’s been a synergistic and exciting relationship that we hope will continue forever! We are thrilled to announce

A Conversation with Doug Tallamy and Sean B. Carroll Read More »

4 Universal Landscape Goals – By Doug Tallamy

There are four ecological functions every landscape must perform if we are to achieve a sustainable relationship with the natural world that supports us (and continuing to insist on landscapes that do not sustain mother nature is not and has never been a realistic option). It’s really very simple; our landscapes must do the things that enable ecosystems to produce the life support we and every other species requires.

4 Universal Landscape Goals – By Doug Tallamy Read More »

Monarch Butterfly Listed as Engangered – article by Doug Tallamy

This week the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) listed the North American migratory populations of the monarch butterfly as an endangered species. Having declined 75%, 85%, or 95%, depending on which eastern population you are talking about, or over 99% if you are referring to the California monarch, the direction the most iconic butterfly in the world is heading is painfully clear. Monarchs are in trouble both in the north where they breed and in Mexico where they spend the winter months.

Monarch Butterfly Listed as Engangered – article by Doug Tallamy Read More »

Lovejoy and Wilson have spoken; now it\’s time to act / December 30, 2021

Tom Lovejoy introduced the term biodiversity in 1980 and E. O. Wilson patiently yet persistently worked thereafter to convince us that we cannot live without it. HNP’s grassroots initiative is the call-to-action that will regenerate biodiversity. The time is NOW to plant native and GET ON THE HNP MAP!

Lovejoy and Wilson have spoken; now it\’s time to act / December 30, 2021 Read More »

Helping Nature Take Its Course / September 21, 2021

Helping Nature Take Its Course
The natural world we encounter today is not the same world we would have encountered 500 years ago, 100 years ago, or even 20 years ago.
When I was a boy (60 yrs ago), I could count on finding a box turtle, a spotted turtle, and several species of salamanders any summer day on a walk through a nearby woodlot. I would have kicked up scores of grasshoppers in the meadow I crossed before I reached that woodlot, and I never worried about picking up a deer tick because I didn’t know what a deer tick was; I had explored those fields and woods for years without ever encountering one. If I saw a white-tailed deer, it would have been a very special day, for they were rare in north central New Jersey where I grew up. I didn’t know much about plants, but nearly all of the species I walked by in those days were native to North Jersey.

Helping Nature Take Its Course / September 21, 2021 Read More »

Beyond Parks and Preserves / June 23, 2021

In a recent NY Times article, Zoë Schlanger describes a policy shift in managing our national parks, from protecting all species within our parks to picking a choosing which ones we have the resources to save. Climate change is blamed as the culprit that has pushed park managers and budgets beyond their capacity, although most of the actual problems described in the article are caused by invasive species we have brought to this country and would be problematic even without climate change. Climate change is indeed serious management issue, though not the only issue, and it has shown us the limitations of restricting conservation to parks and preserves. Parks are fixed in location, but a changing climate demands flexible responses on the part of plants and animals they are designed to protect. When confined to a fixed space, they lose that flexibility.

Beyond Parks and Preserves / June 23, 2021 Read More »

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