Limited Edition Melissa Bryant T-Shirt

This offer has ended. Stay tuned for the next collaboration!

We've partnered with the very talented Melissa Bryant for our first limited edition t-shirt! (available in 4 colors)

Her unique hand-drawn artwork captures the beauty of a selection of container-friendly keystone plants. It contains a single species of flowering plant for each in the 10 ecoregions (level 1) of the United States. Based on your ecoregion, these are some of the most productive plants for patios and balconies.

This design both celebrates the natural world and supports it. Proceeds support Homegrown National Park's mission to help restore these plants' native habitats.

Note that all orders will ship after the t-shirt offering closes on May 8th, 2024.

About the Artist

hello there. my name is melissa bryant & i have been creating art for most of my life.

i received my BFA at herron school of art in indianapolis in 2002 for painting & drawing. it has been exciting to blend my love of all things nature with artmaking for the past 4 years. my current focus are species from the midwest, USA where i currently reside.

i am inspired by lines, textures, color, and plants.


Follow Melissa on Instagram

Melissa is also offering a poster of this print in her own shop.

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