Birds vs. Bees: A Two-Month Virtual Running Challenge

Homegrown National Park is thrilled to be the official non-profit partner for this fun challenge to help you stay active this winter!

Birds vs. Bees is a two-month virtual running challenge that takes participants on a narrative-driven journey through a backyard ecosystem, from the point of view of a bird and a bee. Participants can choose from a variety of distances to cover over the course of two months, from 90 to 320 miles. You can cover the miles by running, walking, or using your preferred human-powered means of locomotion, such as biking or rowing.

Each week, two chapters in the story will be sent out, filled with pollinator-driven plot and helpful information on how to improve your backyard ecosystem, wherever you live. The aim of Birds vs. Bees is to help people stay active in the challenging winter months, and to help pollinators by improving backyards, moving them closer to a Homegrown National Park through education and awareness.

Registration packages start at just $10, and all participants receive access to online participation tools and a Facebook group.

Towards the end, participant materials will be mailed out to those who purchase the Standard and Deluxe packages. The swag includes a t-shirt, sticker, (handmade in the USA) wooden bird and bee ornaments, and a birdhouse construction kit you can build yourself (highly suggest you find yourself a young assistant to help you out).

Sign up and join the fun, for yourself and for your friendly local pollinators! The challenge runs from February 1st - March 31st, and registration ends February 9th.

Challenge Runs February 1st - March 31st, 2024

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