Homegrown National Park

Blending Farm, Art and Habitat | Michelle and Nathaniel in Baltimore, OH

Michelle and Nathaniel Stitzlein are both artists who are inspired by nature. They converted a former grange hall into their home / art studio and then set about turning several acres of parking area and farmland into a native habitat paradise. Michelle considers their home to be a “permanent artist residency”. They were able to

Blending Farm, Art and Habitat | Michelle and Nathaniel in Baltimore, OH Read More »

Monarch Butterfly Listed as Engangered – article by Doug Tallamy

This week the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) listed the North American migratory populations of the monarch butterfly as an endangered species. Having declined 75%, 85%, or 95%, depending on which eastern population you are talking about, or over 99% if you are referring to the California monarch, the direction the most iconic butterfly in the world is heading is painfully clear. Monarchs are in trouble both in the north where they breed and in Mexico where they spend the winter months.

Monarch Butterfly Listed as Engangered – article by Doug Tallamy Read More »

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